Thursday, September 2, 2010

Nick Hensley: “This is like Speed-Dating!”

By Janelle Kienast

Fort Collins, Colo—If floating down the Colorado River with an
inflatable mattress sounds like fun, then Nick Hensley is your go
to guy.

I met Nick on August 19th and this is when we were given the
assignment to interview each other and write a profile on their life.
Heavy tasks for someone you have just met, but I guess this is the way
journalism works.

While rambling off many pointless questions, Nick jokingly says “This
assignment is like speed-dating.” That statement not only made our
professor start laughing, but also gave the class a taste of Nick’s
sense of humor. We bonded over our obsession to ESPN and sports, and
through this discussion I discovered he was a golfer. He may be a
sports fanatic like me, however; snowboarder no longer falls under his
category of favorites. Through our interview he pointed out a scar on
his left knee, and went into a deep explanation of how he tore his ACL, MCL, PCL, and meniscus in a snowboarding accident.

Newly turned 21 year old Nick Hensley pointed out that he could see
himself in the journalism world as a sports columnist. He is
currently majoring in public relations and is a junior at Colorado
State University. However, his roots and upbringing stem from Grand
Junction, Colorado.

I asked him if growing up in a smaller community had any influence on
where he would want to live in the future and he said “I could never
see myself living in a big city like New York.” Meaning he most
definitely is not a Yankees fan!

1 comment:

  1. I like the piece alot. It seemed to be pretty well written. There were several sentences that didn't flow too well, and you could of set up the paragraph structure a little bit different. And I didn't just tear my ACL, I tore my ACL, MCL, PCL, meniscus, and had bones fractures in my left knee. No biggie though.
