Thursday, November 4, 2010

“We Are Colorado, and Our Future Begins Today”

By Erin Eastburn

FORT COLLINS, Colo – After zero mudslinging advertisements, former Denver mayor, Democrat John Hickenlooper, has earned the title as governor of Colorado. He has inspired the voters of Colorado to unit in hopes to enhance the economic standing of the state.

Hickenlooper was the favorite throughout the Colorado governor election. He spoke on November 2rd, discussing his goals for Colorado.

Hickenlooper said, “We can make Colorado a place that is pro-business but still maintain the high standards to protect the health of our citizens and preserve our land and water, the quality of life that makes Colorado special.”

Throughout the election season, the priorities in all campaigns were jobs. As a high concern, Hickenlooper focused the majority of his victory speech on the long path ahead to retrieve the jobs lost, but also, encouraged excitement in Colorado as the state moves ahead.

He also connected jobs with breaking down labels throughout the state. Hickenlooper, found himself inspired by the people of Colorado. He excitedly started by thanking the people throughout Colorado and then recognizing his opponents who he hopes to work with during his term.

Hickenlooper said, "To Dan Maes and Tom Tancredo, I have learned from both of you how much you love Colorado and I admire the tenacity of your supporters. Starting tonight we set aside our differences and work together to rebuild hope in our state and get this economy back on track."

The crowd throughout the speech was filled with excitement and happiness. Hickenlooper created a family focused atmosphere, casually stopping throughout the speech to thank people, and even once bending down to hear a comment from his son.

Hickenlooper expressed his excitement through his speech regarding his future term, but also stressed the importance of perseverance in hard economic times.

"But as we said all along, this is not the end of our journey, this is the beginning, and it starts with bringing people together," Hickenlooper said.
Hickenlooper ended by saying, “Set aside labels… We see the future; we are Colorado and our future begins today.”

The excitement throughout the speech created a great beginning for the Hickenlooper election team, hopefully the excitement will continue as the real work begins in the upcoming weeks. Though, one thing is for sure, as the speech came to a close, a new door in Colorado seemed to be opening; creating a hopeful future.

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